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Eric Nie's website changelog

ver 1.0.0

We build our website for the first version and there is only skeleton for our website because it doesn't contain anything =(

Ver 1.0.1

We published our website for the first practice result and that makes our website been a place where you can watching the result of my process rather than empty page.

Ver 1.0.2

Add a new page which called "Bottom Row".

Fix the problem we already known.

Ver 1.0.5

This renew is mainly used to change the website formats and the errors of my website.

Ver 1.0.6

we finished all part before "Project" part. And we also fixed the problems we already known.

Ver 1.0.8

Add the "Project" folder and complete some part of it. And we also fixed the problem we already known.

Ver 1.1.0

Our website come to 1.1 version!

In this change, we added some eggs to our website and put the "special date" module on to the Home Page. What's more, we also added more contents to the "project" folder and makes our website been more beautiful.

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